EC-Council Certified Incident Handler (E|CIH)

Course Overview

EC-Council’s Certified Incident Handler program equips students with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to effectively prepare for, deal with, and eradicate threats and threat actors in an incident. This program provides the entire process of incident handling and response and hands-on labs that teach the tactical procedures and techniques required to effectively plan, record, triage, notify and contain. Students will learn the handling of various types of incidents, risk assessment methodologies, as well as laws and policies related to incident handling. After attending the course, students will be able to create IH&R policies and deal with different types of security incidents such as malware, email security, network security, web application security, cloud security, and insider threat-related incidents.

EC-Council’s Certified Incident Handler (ECIH) course is delivered by SysCare Professional IT Training at Melbourne and Sydney, providing accessible training for individuals looking to enhance their cybersecurity skills.

Why Choose SysCare Professional IT Training?

SysCare Training stands out as a premier choice for ECIH training due to its commitment to excellence and comprehensive approach to professional IT education. Here are the key reasons why SysCare Training should be your go-to provider

Our instructors are industry veterans with extensive experience in incident handling and response. They bring real-world insights and practical knowledge to the classroom, ensuring that you receive top-notch education and guidance.

The ECIH course curriculum at SysCare Training is meticulously designed to cover all aspects of incident handling and response. From understanding the fundamentals to mastering advanced techniques, our curriculum ensures that you are well-prepared to tackle any cybersecurity incident.

At SysCare Training, we believe in learning by doing. Our ECIH course includes hands-on labs that simulate real-world incident scenarios, allowing you to practice and hone your skills in a controlled environment. This practical approach ensures that you can apply what you’ve learned in real-life situations.

The ECIH certification from EC-Council is globally recognized and respected. Completing your training with SysCare Training, an accredited training partner of EC-Council, adds significant value to your professional credentials and enhances your career prospects in the cybersecurity domain.

ECIH Course Information?

Course Objectives Course Modules Target Audience Prerequisites Exam Enroll

The ECIH course aims to equip participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively manage and respond to cybersecurity incidents. The primary objectives of the course include:

Gain a deep understanding of the principles and methodologies of incident handling and response, including the different types of incidents and the appropriate responses for each.

Learn how to detect and analyse potential threats using various tools and techniques. This includes identifying indicators of compromise, analysing malware, and understanding the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) used by threat actors.

Develop the skills to manage incidents effectively, including incident prioritization, escalation, and communication. Learn how to coordinate with different teams and stakeholders to ensure a swift and effective response.

Understand how to mitigate the impact of an incident and recover systems to their normal state. This includes implementing containment strategies, eradicating threats, and conducting post-incident activities to prevent future occurrences.

Gain knowledge of the legal and regulatory requirements related to incident handling and response. Understand the importance of maintaining evidence integrity and ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

This module provides an overview of incident handling and response, emphasizing its significance in maintaining cybersecurity. Students will learn about the key concepts, terminologies, and the importance of a structured response to cyber incidents.

Focuses on the comprehensive process of incident handling and response, detailing each phase from preparation to post-incident activities. Emphasizes the importance of a systematic approach to effectively manage and mitigate incidents.

Covers the critical steps taken during the initial phase of an incident response. Students will learn about immediate actions to contain and assess incidents, including securing the environment and gathering preliminary information.

Explores techniques for identifying, containing, and eradicating malware. Emphasizes the importance of understanding malware behavior and implementing appropriate response strategies to minimize impact.

Focuses on the detection, analysis, and response to email security incidents such as phishing, spam, and email-based malware. Students will learn about tools and techniques for securing email communications and mitigating related threats.

Teaches methodologies for addressing network security incidents, including unauthorized access, DDoS attacks, and network intrusions. Emphasizes the importance of network monitoring and swift response to minimize damage.

Covers the identification and mitigation of security incidents affecting web applications. Students will learn about common vulnerabilities, attack vectors, and response techniques to protect web assets.

Provides insights into managing security incidents in cloud environments. Focuses on the unique challenges of cloud security, including data breaches, misconfigurations, and unauthorized access, and how to effectively respond to them.

Explores the detection and response to security incidents involving insider threats. Emphasizes the importance of monitoring, identifying suspicious activities, and implementing measures to mitigate risks posed by internal actors.

Focuses on addressing security incidents targeting endpoint devices such as laptops, desktops, and mobile devices. Students will learn about techniques for detecting, containing, and remediating endpoint threats to ensure device security.

Professionals responsible for handling and responding to security incidents within an organization.

Individuals working in SOCs who need to manage and respond to security incidents.

Engineers who need to understand incident handling and response to protect network infrastructure.

Managers responsible for overseeing incident management and response processes within their organizations.

Consultants who provide incident handling and response services to clients.

Exam Details

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By choosing SysCare Professional IT Training for your ECIH certification, you are investing in a future where you can confidently manage and respond to cybersecurity incidents, ensuring the safety and security of your organization’s information assets. Join us today and take the first step towards becoming a certified incident handler.


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