Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (C|HFI v.10)

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  • Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (C|HFI v.10)

Course Overview

Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator course is to equip IT professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to perform effective digital forensics investigations. This course program provides comprehensive training in forensic investigation techniques, covering a wide array of tools and methodologies for investigating cyber-crimes, recovering deleted files, analysing data from digital devices, and presenting findings in a legal context. Students learn various forensic investigation techniques and standard forensic tools. As they learn how to acquire and manage evidence through various operating environments, students also learn the chain of custody and legal procedures required to preserve evidence and ensure it is admissible in court, enabling the eventual prosecution of cyber criminals and containing liability on the victim organization.

Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (C|HFI) course is delivered by SysCare Professional IT Training at Melbourne and Sydney, providing accessible training for individuals looking to enhance their cybersecurity skills in Forensic Investigation.

Why Choose SysCare Professional IT Training?

SysCare Training is your trusted partner for professional IT training, accredited by EC-Council to deliver the CHFI v11 course. Our commitment to excellence and student success is reflected in our expert instructors, comprehensive curriculum, hands-on lab sessions, and the industry-recognized certification we offer.

Our instructors are seasoned professionals with extensive experience in digital forensics and cyber security. They bring real-world insights and practical knowledge to the classroom, ensuring that you receive the highest quality of education.

The CHFI v11 course at SysCare Training is designed to provide a thorough understanding of digital forensics. Our curriculum covers all essential aspects of forensic investigation, from the basics of digital evidence to advanced techniques in forensic analysis and reporting.

We believe that practical experience is crucial for mastering digital forensics. Our state-of-the-art labs provide you with the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios, enhancing your learning experience and preparing you for actual forensic investigations.

Upon successful completion of the CHFI v11 course, you will earn the CHFI certification, a globally recognized credential that validates your expertise in digital forensics and opens doors to numerous career opportunities.

C|HFI Course Information?

Course Objectives Course Modules Target Audience Prerequisites Exam Enroll

The primary objective of the C|HFI v11 course is to equip participants with the skills and knowledge required to conduct thorough digital forensic investigations. By the end of the course, you will be able to:

Gain a solid foundation in the principles and practices of digital forensics, including the legal and ethical considerations involved in forensic investigations.

Learn how to identify, collect, and preserve digital evidence from various sources, ensuring its integrity and admissibility in court.

Master the techniques for analysing digital evidence, including data recovery, file system analysis, network forensics, and malware analysis.

Develop the skills to create detailed forensic reports that accurately document your findings and support your conclusions.

Understand the procedures for presenting digital evidence in court and effectively communicating your findings to legal professionals.

This module explores the role of computer forensics in modern investigations, highlighting its importance in solving cybercrimes, corporate fraud, and other digital offenses. Students will learn about the latest trends, tools, and techniques used by forensic professionals.

Focuses on the systematic approach to conducting a computer forensic investigation, including preparation, identification, collection, analysis, and reporting. Emphasizes adherence to legal standards and best practices.

Covers the architecture and functioning of hard disks and various file systems. Students will learn about data storage, retrieval, and the significance of understanding file systems in forensic investigations.

Teaches methods for acquiring and duplicating data from digital devices in a forensically sound manner. Emphasizes the importance of maintaining data integrity and the use of appropriate tools and techniques.

Focuses on identifying and countering techniques used to obstruct forensic investigations. Students will learn about common anti-forensics methods and strategies to overcome these challenges.

Examines the specifics of conducting forensic investigations on Windows operating systems. Includes analysis of file systems, registry, event logs, and other artifacts unique to Windows environments.

Provides insights into forensic investigations on Linux and macOS systems. Covers file systems, command-line tools, and system artifacts that are critical for comprehensive analysis.

Explores techniques for investigating network-based crimes. Includes packet analysis, intrusion detection, and tracing network activity to uncover malicious actions.

Focuses on the identification, analysis, and mitigation of malware. Students will learn to dissect malicious code, understand its behavior, and trace its origins.

Teaches methodologies for investigating attacks on web applications and servers. Covers common attack vectors, log analysis, and tools for tracing web-based threats.

Introduces the dark web and its relevance to cybercrime investigations. Students will learn to navigate the dark web, gather intelligence, and conduct forensic analysis on related activities.

Covers forensic investigations in cloud environments. Focuses on data acquisition, analysis, and legal considerations specific to cloud services.

Examines techniques for investigating digital communications and social media activities. Students will learn to trace email origins, analyze social media interactions, and uncover digital footprints.

Provides methods for investigating mobile devices. Includes data extraction, analysis of mobile operating systems, and handling various types of mobile data.

Focuses on forensic investigations involving Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Covers the unique challenges and techniques required to collect and analyze data from IoT environments.

Responsible for overseeing cyber security and incident response teams.

Seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in digital forensics.

Interested in learning how to identify and respond to network-based threats.

Involved in cybercrime cases and requiring a deeper understanding of digital forensics.

Exam Details

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By choosing SysCare Professional IT Training for your ECIH certification, you are investing in a future where you can confidently manage and respond to cybersecurity incidents, ensuring the safety and security of your organization’s information assets. Join us today and take the first step towards becoming a certified incident handler.


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(10am - 05 pm)

