Microsoft Azure Security Technologies (AZ-500)

Course Overview

Microsoft Azure Security Technologies AZ-500 course provides IT professionals with the knowledge and skills required to implement security controls, maintain the security posture, manage identity and access, and protect data, applications, and networks in cloud and hybrid environments. This course includes security for identity and access, platform protection, data and applications, and security operations.

SysCare Professional IT Training delivers the Microsoft Azure Security Technologies AZ-500 course in both Melbourne and Sydney. This ensures that participants have convenient access to expert-led training, equipping them with the practical skills and knowledge necessary to secure Azure environments effectively.

Why Choose SysCare Professional IT Training?

SysCare Training, a Microsoft professional training provider, offers the AZ-500 course as part of a comprehensive suite of professional IT training programs. SysCare Training focuses on providing high-quality education and hands-on experience to students. SysCare Training guarantees that learners receive practical experience that is directly applicable to real-world situations.

SysCare professional IT Training offers qualified instructors with extensive industry expertise. These coarsened trainers will share their knowledge with participants in the AZ-500 course.

The AZ-500 course covers all the key objectives of Azure Security, ensuring that participants have a complete understanding of the subject. SysCare Training keeps all modules up to date and adds participants.

SysCare Training enables learners to engage in practical exercises to gain experience in theoretical information. The practical exercises are based on real-world circumstances, so participants will be able to compete with real-world difficulties.

Upon the completion of Microsoft Azure Security Technologies (AZ-500), participants receive a certificate recognized in worldwide offered by Microsoft.

AZ-500 Course Information?

Course Objectives Course Modules Target Audience Prerequisites Exam Enroll

The AZ-500 course allows developers to learn the tools and skills required to properly protect Microsoft Azure settings. The goal of this course is to provide comprehensive protection for the entire Azure security stack at the same time.

Configure the measures to secure the network in Azure to keep unauthorized access and threats at bay.

Employ Azure AD for user identity management and resource access control. Namely, authorized users granted access, can view secure data online.

Effectively implement, monitor, and execute security measures to ensure the safety of data.

Deploy security measures to ensure that all Azure-hosted applications and workloads are protected from various security loopholes.

Keep an eye on the system in search of threats, and in case of security incidents, act appropriately to thwart or hinder potential damages and keep security posture robust and upright.

This module focuses on implementing and managing identity and access controls within Azure. Participants will learn how to configure Azure Active Directory, manage user and group identities, and implement role-based access control (RBAC) to ensure secure and compliant access to Azure resources.

In this module, students will explore methods for securing Azure network environments. Topics include configuring network security groups (NSGs), implementing Azure Firewall, and securing virtual networks to protect data in transit and safeguard against network threats.

This module covers the security practices for protecting Azure compute resources, storage solutions, and databases. Participants will learn how to implement encryption, secure virtual machines, manage access controls for storage accounts, and safeguard data within Azure SQL databases and other storage services.

This module focuses on managing security operations within Azure environments. Students will learn how to monitor and respond to security incidents using Azure Security Centre, configure alerts, and leverage security insights to maintain a secure and compliant Azure infrastructure.

Exam Details

SysCare Professional IT Training azure security engineer

Boost your career as an Azure Security Engineer and achieve it by enrolling in the AZ-500 course through SysCare Training. SysCare Professional IT Training will present you with the software, education, and consulting support that you require to be an Azure security expert. Be with us, and let’s help prevent the cloud security issues of tomorrow actualize.


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

